Respect for "fragility"
It is by making my first bronzes, and by experiencing their solidity, the "indestrctible" character, that I finally put my finger on this paradoxical fact: I sometimes seek fragility in my work of the earth, despite the many disadvantages that this represents.
I have long imagined that it is an aesthetic sensibility, but I am now convinced that it is fragility as such that I appreciate in some of my sculptures.
Indeed, in the face of the "immortality" of bronze, the potential finitude of terracotta obviously speaks of life itself, and of the permanent miracle of its perenity.
To fully assume this bias of fragility as an intrinsic value, vis-à-vis the purchasers, I looked at the development of the means to mitigate the risks intimately associated with it.
I therefore offer a service to repair my sculptures in case of damage. I rely among other things on the experience of a professional color, real artist of cosmetic surgery for sculptures.