Going to the oven

When it is dry enough, I load my gas kiln (4 gas burners, about 450 liters load).
I sometimes add some pots or bowls to better fill the kiln, in order to optimise the burning gas….
…. without forgetting the fusible device (up on the right side) which indicates the end of the firing.
Then I turn on the firing, extremely slowly at first, and it lasts around 13 to 15 hours, so that the temperature rises 1240 to 1320 °C.
And a long day of cooling follows, before the temperature is low enough to open the kiln with limited risks.
But, …. if I didn’t organise well enough the sculptures in the kiln during loading …
… or if I rise the temperature too quickly at the beginning of the finring …
However, with a bit of luck, it is possible to unload the sculptures without bad surprises.